My newsletter is the best way to stay in touch. 

You know how you’ll be reading a newsletter, all innocent and naive, enjoying the content, when—WAM!—there it is. The whole point of this newsletter. The only reason they are reaching out to you is to sell you shit, sell shit for other people to get affiliate commissions or toot their horn about how their MLM isn’t a pyramid scheme so JOIN NOW.

Woof. I hate that too.

That’s why my newsletters are different. It’s the gentle hug to let you know you aren’t alone in your frustrations. Even if that frustration is getting stuck behind the person who is convinced they can bring a liter of cola (name that movie) and machete through airport security. It’s the giggles you get from my sometimes bizarre personal growth strategies. Like, you know, sitting pantsless on my couch, wearing my Spice Girls t-shirt while watching Hallmark Christmas movies in July. I don’t make the rules, guys, I just follow them. 

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Will I sometimes promote my work and services, along with kind-hearted souls I know and love who are doing good in the world too? Sure. But it isn’t going to come at you with the slimy tactic of nonsense surrounding a sales pitch. 

I know and trust you to be a critical thinker. So, I treat my readers as such with entertaining content and whole-hearted pep talks. If the content isn’t your bag, no worries love. I want you to take care of you. 

Ah, doesn’t that feel good to be yourself and also let others be themselves too?


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